January 24, 2025

Editor’s Notes: August 2020

A little over one year ago I launched this site, Pacific Roots Magazine, with great joy and excitement to create content and develop features on issues I find important to community and planetary health. I immediately started communicating with and interviewing vegan farmers across the globe, animal sanctuaries, chefs who specialize in plant-based cooking, individuals working with green city initiatives and more.

For many months I gleaned much inspiration as well as knowledge from these interviews, features and eventually a podcast launched at the turn of the year. I enjoyed feedback about the site and truly considered the audience that was developing and who appreciated the content being featured.

This past Spring, as the pandemic began to change so many aspects of life for individuals, communities and societies across the globe, I myself began to significantly reduce content production. I was called to focus on stillness as well as more walking, presence with my family and in my household, gardening and cooking. These were the practical forces that helped to ground me and contribute to my own mental, emotional and physical health. At the end of the day, all those layers of health are the true wealth we carry through our lives, allowing us to pursue our own forms of meaningful lives, enjoy time with loved ones and appreciate our missions on this planet.

As the weeks passed, my focus began to shift according to life needs. July 2020 I went into what I call a deep quite mode on the content production front. I took great joy in committing to the “slow July” energy prevalent across Europe as many people take vacations, check email only very sporadically, and focus on family and personal time. It was the first time in my life, that I can recall, doing this.

The deep quiet, unsurprisingly, also gave my mind time to clear and for new projects that are dear to me to percolate. Moving forward, it became clear that I would need to make the tender and critical decision to channel the energy I have used for content production for this site into other projects and advoacy work.

I am so grateful for the time and communication of so many individuals over the past year, contributing to the content that you can now explore on this site. I hope to pop in every now and then with new features and interviews related to veganic farming, plant based eating, interrelated issues of religion, spirituality and ecology (for the Faith, Sustainability & Stewardship series established at this site). and sustainable city projects.

I hope you can still find this website as a great reference and if you have a contribution on these topics that you would like to share, please feel free to drop a line to editor@pacificrootsmagazine.com

Greetings from a beautiful Summer here in central Sweden.

Annika Lundkvist

Editor, Pacific Roots Magazine

Podcast V: Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture

Editor’s Note

Welcome! Launched in Summer 2019, Pacific Roots Magazine is a platform devoted to issues of veganic agriculture, sustainability, plant based food & more. We welcome you along for the journey as we explore, learn & develop further awareness about this home we call Earth. 

International Biocyclic Vegan Network